Workplace investigations

The FOIA Centre offers “personnel” or “human resources” investigation services to companies and other organisations.

Please contact us, preferably by e-mail in the first instance, if you have a workplace issue that needs to be investigated: such as an allegation about, or raised by, an employee. A FOIA Centre consultant experienced in carrying out investigations will be assigned to investigate the matter formally, impartially and sensitively, keeping strict confidentiality, and minimising the impact on your day-to-day business. Your consultant will provide you with a written report of the investigation.

Companies and organisations faced with such challenges in the workplace benefit from commissioning an independent, outside, experienced investigator. It can prevent a problem becoming far bigger, and costlier, than necessary.

Our fee is based on a discounted consultancy hourly rate for your investigator’s work, at £120 per hour, plus VAT. Clients must also meet the costs of any disbursements.

Please note that the FOIA Centre, unlike private detective agencies or “enquiry agents”, uses only legal methods of research and will not undertake work requiring illegal information-gathering techniques.

Requirements for employers’ investigations vary greatly, so please e-mail us with any queries relating to your specific situation. We will agree with you, in advance, the scope of the work to be undertaken for a particular investigation.

To find out how we can help you with FOIA and open-access information in the UK and elsewhere, click here.


Page updated: 15.02.10